Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"OH SLANG IS SO COOL!" No, I don't think so.

Slang has pretty much been around since the beginning of time. It is just using words and expressions that aren't considered proper language.

Some current slang terms include, "Phat", "Dawg", "Nasty", and "Dope".

There are some slang words I don't mind, but some others just get on my nerves. Ones such as "Peace" (meaning bye), or "Sick" (meaning cool) don't bother me. Other ones, such as "Dope" (meaning cool) or "Mad" (meaning very) just piss me off, to be blunt.

To me personally, slang seems pointless. Why can't people just use proper English instead of making up their own punk-sounding words? It's not like they're easier to say. The slang terms have no less syllables, so what's the point? To try and sound "cool"? Oh whoops, sorry. I said "cool". You don't know what that means. It means "dope". Wait, oh it's the other way around! Not like anyone would even realize that.

It makes you look like a punk. Like someone who doesn't even know proper English. Anyone can speak words that aren't real. The thing is, people say these words all the time like they are real words. I don't even think  they realize they aren't real words.

1 comment:

  1. You are very right, my friend. Why didn't I think of a rant like this? Or did I?
